
not fragrant Learn more about not fragrant

  • When does evening fragrant jade blossom? how to raise evening fragrant jade can blossom more / bloom in July.

    When does evening fragrant jade blossom? how to raise evening fragrant jade can blossom more / bloom in July.

    For the evening fragrant jade, many flower friends must be no stranger, because it is night incense, a kind of flowers that bloom at night and have a strong fragrance. It is rumored that the flower scent of evening fragrant jade has a mosquito repellent effect, so everyone is looking forward to the evening fragrant jade blooming, when will the evening fragrant jade blossom? How can evening fragrant jade blossom more? To this

  • Can fragrant wood really drive mosquitoes? what if the leaves turn yellow?

    Can fragrant wood really drive mosquitoes? what if the leaves turn yellow?

    Fragrant wood is a kind of plant with strong pepper flavor, and it is a good ornamental plant, so can fragrant wood really drive mosquitoes? What if the leaves of fragrant wood turn yellow? Can fragrant wood really repel mosquitoes: the whole plant has a strong pepper flavor, purifies the air and repels mosquitoes and flies.

  • How to cultivate fragrant wood? Culture methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood

    How to cultivate fragrant wood? Culture methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood

    The fragrant wood is a plant of the genus Coptis in the lacquer family. It is resistant to drought and barren, developed roots and strong resistance. It is a pioneer tree species for afforestation in the dry-hot valley, and it is also the main fuel wood in this area. The fragrant wood has a beautiful shape and a fragrant smell. It has a variety of edible and medicinal functions, and has a broad development prospect.

  • What if late fragrant jade does not blossom? analysis of the reasons why late fragrant jade does not blossom / fertilizer can not be more.

    What if late fragrant jade does not blossom? analysis of the reasons why late fragrant jade does not blossom / fertilizer can not be more.

    Evening fragrant jade blossoms at night, its color is white, the flower fragrance is rich, has certain ornamental value, is farmed in the home by many flower friends. However, in the process of breeding evening fragrant jade, many flower friends will encounter a headache, that is, do not bloom! So, what if the evening jade doesn't blossom? To this

  • Matters needing attention in culture of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Matters needing attention in culture of Tripterygium wilfordii

    1. Fragrant vines need to be given sufficient light, lack of light will affect the flowering of fragrant vines, and is not conducive to the growth of fragrant vines. two。 When applying fertilizer, the dosage of nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled. Excess nutrition will make the plant grow too prosperous, which is not conducive to flowering. 3. Although Piaoxiang vine has strong resistance to adversity,

  • Planting method of fragrant wood

    Planting method of fragrant wood

    Qingxiang is resistant to drought and barren, developed root system and strong resistance. It is not only a pioneer tree species for afforestation in dry-hot valley, but also the main fuel wood in this area. With beautiful tree shape and fragrant smell, it has a variety of edible and medicinal functions, and has a broad development prospect. Need to be protected in North China

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood how to lose leaves?

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood how to lose leaves?

    Fragrant wood many people like to raise at home, there is a fragrant smell, the leaves of fragrant wood are also very green, what is the breeding method of fragrant wood? What are the matters needing attention in the process of breeding? What if there is a loss of leaves?

  • How to raise fragrant wood culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise fragrant wood culture methods and matters needing attention

    The name of Qingxiangmu sounds green and exuberant. Gently kneading the leaves will produce the fragrance of pepper and citrus, so the name of fragrant wood is not in vain. But what else do you need to know about raising a fragrant wood? How to raise fragrant wood

    2020-11-08 Qing incense wood how culture breeding methods and matters needing attention
  • Maintenance measures of fragrant wood

    Maintenance measures of fragrant wood

    1. Light and temperature management fragrant wood likes a warm environment and is not cold-resistant, so the temperature should be controlled well, neither too high nor too low, and to ensure sufficient light, which is beneficial to the growth of fragrant wood. 2. Water management fragrant wood is slightly shady, but watering should be well controlled and there can be no stagnant water.

  • The reason and solution of the late fragrant jade with only long leaves but not flowering

    The reason and solution of the late fragrant jade with only long leaves but not flowering

    Evening fragrant jade is what we sing about night incense and moonlight incense. Because the fragrance is particularly strong at night, it is this unique feature that people like very much. As the cultivation and florescence control of late fragrant jade is relatively easy, it is also one of the more important cut flowers. But if the evening fragrant jade only grows leaves but does not blossom

  • Analysis on the Causes of Leaf Falling of Fragrant Wood

    Analysis on the Causes of Leaf Falling of Fragrant Wood

    Qingxiang wood originated in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places in China, because Qingxiang wood is a positive tree, but also slightly tolerant of shade, so it can be made into bonsai. However, some flower friends will find that Qingxiang wood will lose its leaves after planting for a period of time. This is likely to be a manifestation that Qingxiang wood has not adapted to the environment.

  • Why did the fragrant wood lose its leaves? why did it fall off as soon as it was touched? What if the leaves of the fragrant wood fall?

    Why did the fragrant wood lose its leaves? why did it fall off as soon as it was touched? What if the leaves of the fragrant wood fall?

    Fragrant wood is a dry and heat-resistant tree species. Skin and leaves can extract aromatic oil, which can be used as spices among the people. Gardens are often used as bonsai modeling materials and excellent ornamental fruit plants. Fragrant wood likes to be wet, and the cultivation medium should not be too dry, otherwise it is easy to make the leaves bleak and depressed, which is very ugly. Each watering must be thoroughly watered at one time, do not "block the waist water"

  • How to raise fragrant wood? So that the aroma overflowed and even the mosquitoes dared not fly into the yard.

    How to raise fragrant wood? So that the aroma overflowed and even the mosquitoes dared not fly into the yard.

    Fragrant wood can also be called incense leaf, fine leaf, regular wood, Lacqueraceae Coptis shrub or small tree mosquito repellent plant, which mainly grows in the dry and hot valleys of central and northern Yunnan and Sichuan, Guizhou and southwestern Guangxi. The fragrance of wood is faint and relaxing, and the leaves are green and fine.

  • What should we do if the insect grows in fragrant flowers? pest control of fragrant flowers / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

    What should we do if the insect grows in fragrant flowers? pest control of fragrant flowers / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

    In the process of cultivating fragrant flowers, the last thing we want to encounter is diseases and insect pests. This kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, which will not only affect the beauty of the plant, but also cause the plant to wither and die. So what should I do if the fragrant flowers grow into worms? How to control the diseases and insect pests of fragrant flowers?

  • [fragrant snowball] fragrant snowball picture, fragrant snowball planting method

    [fragrant snowball] fragrant snowball picture, fragrant snowball planting method

    [fragrant snowball] fragrant snowball picture, fragrant snowball planting method

  • How to raise fragrant snowballs with more blossoms, watering and fertilization / moderate light and temperature

    How to raise fragrant snowballs with more blossoms, watering and fertilization / moderate light and temperature

    Fragrant snowballs are fragrant when they bloom, and the number of flowers is very large, and many florets gather on the inflorescence pleasing to the eye, but different environments and culture methods will feel the number of flowers, as ordinary flower friends, how to raise more flowers? The editor will tell you some practical skills.

  • How to make fragrant wood bonsai? the method of changing the basin of fragrant wood

    How to make fragrant wood bonsai? the method of changing the basin of fragrant wood

    Many trees themselves have high ornamental value, and many people like to raise them at home, so there are many dexterous florists who concave their beloved plants. Many plants grow in different environments, so there are many different tree postures.

    2020-11-08 Qing incense wood bonsai how production styling good-looking change the basin
  • Notes on the cultivation of fragrant snowballs

    Notes on the cultivation of fragrant snowballs

    Pay attention to pruning. In the process of blooming, you can cut off the remaining flowers with three leaves, which can prolong the flowering period of fragrant snowballs.

  • Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood

    Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of fragrant wood

    Fragrant wood is a positive tree, but it is also slightly shade-tolerant and likes warmth, which requires deep soil layer, strong germination, slow growth and long life, but the cold resistance of seedlings is not strong, so it needs to be protected in North China. The plant can withstand the low temperature of-10 ℃, like the soil with sufficient light and not easy to accumulate water. Can be used for garden shrubs and pruning

  • How to raise fragrant snowballs

    How to raise fragrant snowballs

    Temperature fragrant snowball likes to grow in a cold environment, it does not like hot weather, the temperature requirements in winter is not very strict, as long as there is no frost, the plant can survive the winter safely. The temperature is too high in summer, so we should pay attention to cooling it, if the temperature is above 30 degrees.
